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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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2012.12.20. 20:32 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

Last weekend I found a flat. It is in Kannelmäki, 10kms north from the city center and my workplace. The flat is not big, only 26 square meters plus balcony, but it has all naccessary furniture, and dishes, microwawe and even a washing machine. It sounds really cool, it is less than 5 minutes walk from the commuter train which runs every ten minutes during the week and 15 in the weekend, and takes only 13 mins to the center. Also, the flat looks modern and clean except for the bathroom which is a little bit retro :)

And the windows look at a forest, the flat is on the second floor (in Finland ground floor is the first), so it's quite ideal. Skiing (x-country) slope starts 1km from the flat, and Prisma (big hypermarket) about 1.3-1.5kms away.

So basically the long process of my (re)start in Finland is coming to an end, today I made library card and got out a book to read on the way home, tomorrow i depart home, by ship, bus and train(s).

So basically the most important things are all done: workplace, flat, identity number, tax number, social insurance (will get the card in January), bank account. Only skis are missing, but today I bought five euros skis at a kirpputori, just I will need to take it to Prisma to change the shoe rack on it, because it has the old style for what compatible shoes are not produced anymore (for long time already). That will probably cost much more than how much the skis were :) But still cheaper than new skis.

I also figured out that there are 2 very good kirpputori-s within 500 meters from my work, and 100 meters from each other. And with Zoli today we explored a new 1 euro shop also, so shopping possibilities are widening :)

The blog goes now for winter sleep till January, first post can be expected on the first weekend of January. But I feel like a chapter has closed in the blog's life, and in the next chapter there will probably be less adventure and more about Finland and Helsinki. And more picture, and no more pictureless posts, let this be the last one :)

My dear readers, I wish Merry Christmas and/or Happy New Year to all of you, and I hope you enjoyed this two months with me and will stay with me in 2013 as well, the blog will continue for sure, and my new year promise is that I will make more accurate next-post predictions and reduce delays :)

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