The rest of last week I mostly spent home, I worked on Attila's home assigment for university, on an Android "job application application", which consist of my cv, a customized application part and a small game, and I also worked on the Android app for Vision-Software. With Attila we bought a Stiga table hockey and played on it, although we are not yet in the same level, as I used to play it during high school some times. But Attila is also improving fast, soon the difference will disappear i am afraid :)
The weather is quite nice here, it's like early autumn, +5 degrees around and often sunny in this few hours of the day when it's not dark. Ok, I don't paint any kind of animal anywhere, it's still around 7-8 hours of daylight, so no worry. It's nice to walk around the middle of the day. I figured out that Leppävaara, where we change from the bus to train, is only 35 minutes walk (in the forest of course) away, so as a kind of unemployed timekilling activity, instead of shopping at the small Alepa, which is 2 minutes walk away, I go to Leppävaara Citymarket. By the way, at citymarket ther are some really good discounts now, Joulutarina DVD 5 euros, Pendrive 8GB 5 euros and Stiga table hockey 54 euros, stands the incomplete list here now. Picture about Stockmann in the center is by Attila.
Today I had a job interview, in the center of Helsinki, and the job is also in the middle of Helsinki near West Terminal (ships to Tallinn) with possible partial telecommuting. The job sounds interesting, and the guys are really nice. It's about a software used at marketing campaigns (e.g. at shopping center with a mobile counter), and possibly there is also going to be mobile version, what I could do. They said I should expect answer later this week.
About other jobs not so much news yet, so far there is no scheduled interview either. But if I consider that so far, there was exactly one interview per week, I already completed the portion for this week :) Of course just joking, from more good jobs I can choose a better one statistically, and although there are already applications "in process", I should not stop applying for others until I sign a job contract at a supercool position :) And approximately 2-3 new jobs appear on every day, of what I apply for one what I like. But actually todays interview proves that it's sometimes very hard to judge is a job is cool or not based on the job offer text and the company website ( :) ).
That's it for today, I drink the nth tea today and go to sleep.
Full focus on jobseeking ... and table hockey :)
2012.11.19. 22:53 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!
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