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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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Thursday, sorry for delay



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Julia is here

2012.11.03. 17:10 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

So Julia arrived to Finland for her 11-days visit before she moves here in December. The first day we spent in Tampere, we stayed at Hotel Ville in Hatanpaa district. It is an automatic hotel, very good quality, and the double room cost us 50 euros which is not too much. Just be careful if you wish to stay there you must reserve and pay in advance on the website of the hotel or on

Isabella03[1].jpgTampere sightseeing consisted of Finlayson area, Radio Kirppis, Lenin Museum and north harbour area (and main square). In the eveing we went by train tu Turku to take a ferry to Stockholm, the trip was nice, we spent the Thursday there, locking our stuff at the harbour and doing sightseeing. First we went to Nordic museum on Djurgarden island, we spent there 2,5 hours, it was quite interesting and huge. Then we ate at a Japanese place on Linne street and took a walk in the center, then continued to walk in the old town, around Royal Palace, etc. Bought magnet (fridge). It was really nice, except for that it got dark (and cold and windy) at around 5 and the ferry was at 8pm so we found it to be hard to spend this 3 hours usefully, we went an hour earlier to the harbour than we were supposed to.

Both ways we had good cabin, on the way there C back B, there was no real difference. The ticket for two of us was 35 euros return, quite reasonable.

On Friday we visited the castle of Turku, and we spent the afternoon with the Halme family (Kaisa, Mikko, Luukas, dogs). We played ice hockey board game. Today we went to the center of Turku, walked around, took "Foeri", small ferry on the river Aura. The weather was very nice, around plus 10 degrees.

Regarding the job seeking, I didn't get the job in Lappeenranta (I was quite disappointed but I have to go forward), about other jobs in process not so much news. It seems like I only get any emails when I sit in front of the computer :) Today I sent some applications again, I didn't put so much effort in jobseeking this week (only on Monday), but I will catch up in the next days.

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