I made the decision: Hungarian version is canceled from now on. Sorry for those who felt more comfortable with that, but in return you get more of the English version, I will spend approximately the same time with writing blog, so there will be more content in less languages.
Yesterday I arrived at Turku airport, I had a good flight without any trouble at the check-in (except for that I was so stupid and I put my computer at the bottom of my bag. So I needed to put everything out and back again, it took some time. At Turku airport Mikko was waiting for me, I stayed at his place, after eating a bit and talking, we went to sleep.
Today I went to the city with Mikko in the morning, he went to work. I had different kind of plans for the day. Firstly I went to Nordea Bank which turned out to be a complete failure. I had an account with a card and an internet access. I wanted to use it again, but they said that as I didn't use it for more than 2 years, all service fees will be charged if I put money on it. The lady couldn't even tell exactly how much it is (which is very strange), but according to my calculations approx. 100 euros, and she agreed that she also thinks it's around that. (it was 3 euros 2 years ago, now 4.50, and she didn't know exactly when did it change, it's also strange). So I told her that in this case I will go to another bank and open an account instead of paying 100 euros, she agreed that it's a good idea. She convinced me to close the account, in order that if once I want to return to Nordea, I only have to pay 100 and not more. Also, a strange thing is that she discovered that my card expired almost 2 years ago, but they still want to charge the full 4.50 service fee, out of what 2.00 is the card fee. Good bye Nordea, it was nice to see you.But to open a new account at another bank, I need an address where they can send the card and the netbank code. So I will open a new account later.
Then I went to buy SIM card. That's the biggest success story of the day. At R-Kioski, it's 5.90 euros with 11 euros load on it, with 7cents/minute unified domestic rate. So, almost 3 hours of talking. And it's without any complications, just pay put it in and I could already use it.
Then I gained some negative experiences. It's about housing. All agencies want my KELA (social security) number (and card) for the housing application. But as I know, I can only get this card if I have a job contract, which is not yet. So, it seems that I cannot get a flat before I get a job. As housing periods start on 1st of each month, the best scenario is 1st of December, but for that I need to sign a job contract in the middle of November. Let's hope the best.
So today was mostly spent by walking around the center of Turku, many times. From 9 till 15. Then, going back to Mikko's and her wife's, Kaisa's, and their 1.25 year old son's, Luukas's flat. They are very nice, 67% of them I met before, the 33% is so cute ...
I am writing blog from the very good computer I got from Vision-Software, Lenovo Thinkpad.
Tomorrow I go to Helsinki (Espoo more prec.), in the afternoon.
Stay with me, and you will not miss any important moment :)
Arrival and first day
2012.10.24. 23:34 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!
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