A meleg idö tövabbra is tartja magat, 26-28 fok is van napközben, minden nap megyunk a strandra ami 3km-re van a kolitol, bringaval 5-8 perc. Amugy a fel Harvanta ott van, a viz meglepöen meleg (ahhoz kepest h masfel honapja meg be volt fagyva). Ejszakai BBQ-t is csinaltunk nemetekkel, a to partjan. 10-töl 02-ig tartott es kb. ejfelig meg egeszen vilagos volt, utana kellett a tuz meg lampa de akkor sem volt teljesen sötet, es eszak fele nezve egesz ejszaka vilagos az eg (es nem azert mert arra van Tre, mert ez a belvarosban is igy van).
A szakdoli igencsak alakul, ma varhatoan az utolso elötti meeting lesz, az utolso hetfön vagy kedden, aztan szerdan elindulok haza. A regi idök utazasait idezve fölön (busz+vonat) fogok menni, 1-1 napot töltve itt-ott, 5 nap alatt erve haza kb. De erröl majd irok reszletesebben. Legalabbis elöre, mert maga az ut lehet h kimarad a blogbol mondvan h nem finnorszag, mint a multkor.
Ebben a szep idöben nem is töltöm irassal a napomat, inkabb linkelek kepeket. A fele tarsasag mar strandol, nekem 15h-kor van meeting oda mar viszem a furdönadragot es onnan irany a viz!Bike trip to Nokia (yht. 50km for me): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=174592&id=787511841&l=334641ae79
The weather stays very warm, 26-28 daytime, we go to beach every day, it's 3kms from dorm, 5-8 mins by bike. Half of Hervanta is there anyway, and the water is very warm compared to that it was frozen 1,5 mnths ago. We also had night BBQ using the daylight lasting until 0am and still light coming from the north (not northern light) after that.
Thesis is really getting ready now, today at 15h there is going to be probably the one before last meeting, with the last on Monday or Tuesday. Then I head home on Wed, quoting ancient times by going on land (bus, train) with a one-day breaks in certain nice places.
I don't feel like writing more, I go to eat and I already bring my swimming shorts to the meeting, after it I ride to the water immediately. Here are some links to photos.