This Monday I started to work at Mapos Oy in Merimiehenkatu in Helsinki. On Monday when I arrived my work devices welcomed me unpacked in my place, I got a laptop and a screen, so I can work on two screens which is cool. It will take some time to get used to the two screens, I never worked with more than one. At the moment I am just in the process of finding out how to take advantage of this.
The three days what I worked were mostly spent by getting familiar with the software and the Coldfusion technology, I like both so far, and I made a simple app in coldfusion already. I think it's relatively easy to get used to it, just I didn't figure out so far two things: 1: how to write a "normal" while loop. 2: how to put <this/> <format/> <everywhere> so for <example><cfset x=6><cfif x gt 5><cfset y = 2><cfelse><cfset y=1></cfif></example>, if you know what is y and you write it in comment, you win a mentioning (only first), but if you write the same code much much faster in Java or C# or Pascal or anything, you don't win anything because I think there are many people with it.
On Tuesday I got my ID number, which is quite surprising given that they promised it for middle of next week. On Wednesday I did what I could with my brand new ID number (which was so new that they didn't see yet in the system ...), I made tax number surprisingly fast, and applied for social insurance card (not surprisingly fast, but ok) in the morning.On Thursday and Friday I didn't work because other employees went on Christmas trip to Riga, and there is anyway renovation in the office. Btw, the office is cool, both the location of it and the inner look are quite ok, and it's spacious. I am looking forward to how it will look like (and how will my place be alterated) after the renovation, I will see it tomorrow morning.
The office is full of marketing materials made by the company, and there are some leftover product samples, for example a lot of Airwawes chewing gum. So in the near future I will not buy chewing gum :)
The collegues are really nice, although I am the only non-finnish speaking, I don't feel like an outsider more than how much outsider poeple usually feel after the third day :)
Regarding housing there are also some developments, but I will write about it in another post in 2-3 days.
2012.12.16. 21:20 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!
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