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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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Thursday, sorry for delay



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Jobseeking ended

2012.11.25. 00:16 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

Let's don't play with your valuable nerves dear reader, I tell you the news of the week (month, maybe year), I will be an employee of Mapos Ltd (Oy) in Helsinki. From what time, well, this is a good question, next Thursday we are going to discuss with Eero, the development leader of Mapos. The company is in the center, near the western harbor, where ships to Tallinn depart from.

mapos_logo.gifThe company is making a system for organizing marketing campaigns and making reports about them, as I know I will be the first non-Finnish employee (but I am not sure). Their main (or most notable) customers are Nokia and Fiskars.

Next Thursday I will go and discuss the details, and then I go to police to register and to Maistratti to get personal ID number, and then (hopefully all these will happen in 2 days) I can apply for a flat. I will do it at Sato, a company where the deposit is only 250 euros and the rent contract can be canceled at any time (this makes me feel good, that if for some reason it turns out that the flat is not good, or there is a much better one available, I don't have to live in it for a whole year like with other companies).

That's it for now, until Thursday I get familiar with ColdFusion what Mapos is using as a platform, and maybe I also make a simple homepage for Julia's fathers company in Drupal (although he is not sure that he wants it :) ). Today I bought some christmas presents in Citymarket, there are cool discounts for some specific - typically useless, but not always - items. Of course all I bought are the exceptions :)

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