A keszulödes szombat este ugyanugy zajlott mind mindig ilyenkor, orakon at semmit sem csinaltunk aztan az utolso fel oraban kapkodtunk mint az allat, bar elörelato voltam es eleve az utolso elötti olyan buszt neztem ki amivel meg siman elerjuk a vonatot, a buszt is eppen hogy elertuk ugyhogy nem volt gond. A vonaton nem volt tul sok ember, de sajna "kek vagon"-os expressz vonat volt, latszolag feher IC vagonok nelkul. Ez ket szempontbol nem jo: az IC vagon sokkal kenyelmesebb es szebb, valamint a kutyas resz ahhol 3 ules van egymas mellett az csak az IC vagonban van. Ennek megfelelöen egy kek vagonban utaztunk, elöször 22, aztan 21 majd ket ora utan mar csak 17 fok benti hömerseklettel. En a földön aludtam, de felebredtem a hidegre. A szemelyzet miközben lathatoan nagy erökkel dolgozott a hiba elharitasan, erdeklödesunkre ugy tett mintha nem is tudna miröl beszelunk, nincs is hideg. Pedig ott volt a hömerö. Atcuccoltunk egy masik kocsiba, ami - bar kivulröl ugyanolyan kek volt - belulröl IC vagon volt, kutya-hellyel is! Hat gondoltunk direkt jo h hideg volt a masikban. Igy a maradek 9 orat Kemijärvi-ig kenyelmesen vegigaludtuk. Martin 2 nappal elöbb ment, CS-elt Rovaniemi-ben, igy ö ott szallt fel a vonatra az utolso ora erejeig. Kemijärvi-ban az allomason allt a busz ami vitt kb. mindenkit a vonatrol a Pyhä nemzeti parkba. A diakjegy 6.XX volt 50km-re, ez abszolut jo ar, kicsit meg is voltunk lepödve. Hamar ott voltunk, ket megallo közul valaszthattunk h hol szallunk le: "hotel" es "shopping centre". Utobbit valasztottunk, egy kis CBA nagysagu CityMarket volt a shopping centre. Ott be is vasaroltunk a 3 napra kajat, a bolt mellett ment el a sifutopalya ugyhogy fel is csatoltunk es hajra.
Tizenöt kilometert terveztunk az elsö napra, igy ertuk el a Huttuloma nevu fahazhoz, ahol töltöttuk az ejszakat. Sajna az idö nagyon ködös volt, igy szep kilatas sehol nem volt. Es a palya sem volt jo, tul nedves volt a +3..+5 fokban. Nem is haladtunk jol, bar ez nagyreszt az eleteben masodszorra sielö, leggyengebb lancszem Tom-nak volt köszönhetö. De elvezetes volt a sieles, meg sokan voltak a palyan es volt hangulata a dolognak. Este forraltunk vizet (havat), sutottunk kolbaszt tuzon, es felfutöttuk a hazikot 25 fokra kb. Mindannyian jol aludtunk, nem keltunk fel ejjel h rakjunk fat a tuzre megis volt reggel is 12-13 fok, ami halozsakban puloverben nem kifejezetten hideg. Masodik napra ugy döntöttunk h ott hagyjuk a hazikoban a cuccunkat (az ertekeinket kiveve persze) es a szlavos hangzasu Kapusta haziko fele vesszuk az iranyt. Ott Tom ugy döntött h megvan minket amig megkeruljuk a kinezett kis dombot, es ha visszajöttunk akkor a Kapusta-ban eszunk, aztan megunk vissza Huttuloma-ba. Gyorsak voltunk Martinnal, Tomnak nem kellett sokat varnia, bar jol elvolt mert sok finn jött a kolbaszat megsutni utközben. Es adtak mustart is, amit mi jol elfelejtettunk vinni.
A masodik napon bar ugyanugy masszivan pozitiv volt a hömerseklet es igy vizes, lassu a palya, de a köd reszben eloszlott, igy sokszor szep kilatasunk volt domboldalakbol. Huttuloma-ba valo visszaeresunk utan mivel nem volt eleg wc-papir harmunknak es en sielek közulunk legjobban, en elmentem nature wc-re az 1.7km-re levö bezart cafe melletti wc-be. Este szokasos program, plusz Martin eröltetesere (Tommal nem hittuk el h ez jo, de az volt) ejszakai sielesre mentunk. Csak 1-1.5km-t mehettunk, de kiraly volt. Bar ha az volt a burkolt celja a dolognak h lassuk az eszaki fenyt hat az megint nem jött össze, de sebaj. A teljes sötetseget csak a Pyhä downhill sicentrum felvonojanak fenye zavarta meg, amugy semmilyen iranyba sehol semmi csak a fenyöerdö.
Utolso nap majdnem az elsö napi uton mentunk vissza, egy kis elteres volt. A palya sokkal jobban csuszott (rejtely h miert, mert meg melegebb volt, +7..+8 kb.), es a köd megszunt, igy a magasabb reszeknel több tucat kilometerre el lehetett latni, befagyott tavak es fenyoerdö mindenfele. A Kemijärvi-i busz indulasa elött mar 3 oraval a "shopping centre"-nel voltunk (pedig kiteröt is tettunk egy cafe-hoz), igy kolbaszt sutottunk a downhill felvono aljaban ahol igen sokan tettek ezt. En elsetaltam a nemzeti park irodajaba is, a többiek nem ereztek eröt hozza, föleg h felfele vezetett az ut, de csak 500m volt. Az ilyen nemzeti park irodakban ingyenes (igaz, nem tul nagy) kiallitas van a Nemzeti Parkrol. Valamint ingyenes informacio-aradat mindenrol.
A hazafele vonatut korantsem volt olyan jo mint az odafele, az egesz vonat tele volt, es a kutyas reszben is 5(!) kutya aludt a földön, igy oda bejutni sem lehetett. Egy szeket is figyelni kellett hogy elcsipjunk, de vegul csak egyszer kellett atulni az utazas soran es allni meg nem kellett semeddig. Csak hat nem volt 2 helyunk aludni, ehhez kepest (nyilvan a faradtsag okan) mindharman nagyon jol aludtunk, es szokas szerint alig vettuk eszre h mar Tampere jön (Seuraavanaa Tampere - Nästä Tammerfors - The next stop, Tampere).right click: view picture
picures will come here, or facebook link
The preparation for the trip was just as usual - doing nothing for hours and then in the last 30mins hurry like hell to catch the bus which catches the train. We managed to catch it, but first we were a bit disappinted because the train did not have any white IC wagons, just "traditional" blue wagons. The IC wagons are better because they are more comfortable and also they have places for people with dogs, and that places have 3 seats next to each other where it is nice to sleep. So we satayed in a blue wagon, I slept on the floor in sleeping bag, but the temperature was decreasing fast inside, after 2 hours there was only 17C in the wagon. The train staff seemingly tried very hard to correct the error but when we asked if it will get better or not they just pretended not to get what we are talking about and say that it's not cold here (in spite of what the train's thermometer says...). So we moved to another (outside blue) wagon, which was actually IC wagon inside, with dog compartment also. We slept very comfortably for the rest of the journey in the dog compartment. Martin went to Rovaniemi 2 days earlier to do CS, he got on the train there for the last two stops to Kemijärvi. In Kemijärvi we had direct bus connection to Pyhä (50kms, 6.XXeuros for students, surprisingly cheap), where we had the choice to either get off at the "shopping centre" or at the "hotel". We have chosen "shopping centre" of course, it was a K-Market in a size of a Siwa in Tampere. We did the shopping of food for 3 days there, and then got on the track as it was already beihind the K-Market.
We palnned 15kms for the first day to Huttuloma what is a cottage, we stayed there for the night. With the weather we did not have that much luck, it was foggy so we couldn't see anything from the landscape and also it was too warm, the track was wet and slow in the +3..+5 C. We were quite slow all the way, but it was also because for Tom it was the second skiing ever. In the evening we cooked makkara on fire, also boiled water (snow) for tea. We managed to heat the cottage up to 25C in the evening so without maintaining the fire it was still 12-13C in the morning which is good in sleeping bag.
For the second day we decided to leave our staff at the cottage (except the valuables of course), do a day trip and spend the second night also at Huttuloma. We went to a slavic-sounding cottage called Kapusta. It was 5kms away, Tom already had enough there, stayed in the cottage until we with Matin go around a nearby hill. We were fast, Tom did not have to wait a lot, and also during the time there were many finns cooking makkara at Kapusta, they also gave us mustard what we completly forgot to bring. Then we returned to our beloved Huttuloma, I went to nature toilet to a 1.7km away closed cafe because we did not have paper for all of us in our nature toilet next to Huttuloma. We did not have as much fog as the day before, but the track was the same slow. Martin's idea was to go also night-skiing after dark, he had to fight us to implement to idea, but finally we agreed and it was nice. We just went 1-1.5kms but being in the completly dark without any lights even in the far (except for the lights of Pyhä DH-skiing centre).
On the last day we took almost the oppiste way as on the first day. The fog mostly disappeared and the track was also faster (no idea why as it was even warmer...). On the higher places we could see dozens of kilometers far, frozen lakes and snowy pine forest everywhere, it was very nice. As we were fast, we already arrived to the "shopping centre" 3 hours before the Kemijärvi bus is going even with a detour to a nearby cafe. We had time to cook makkara at the bottom of the DH skiing centre with many finns and also I went to the office of the national park. The NP offices are usually providing free exhibition about the park, and free and helpful info to all our questions. Altough, as it was at the end of a 500m long uphill track, Martin and Tom was too tired to climb up.
The train back was far not as good as the outbound journey. There were a lot of people on it, and also 5 (!) dogs were lying so we couldn't even enter the dog compartment. Finally at least we had IC-type seats, but just one per person. Anyway, we could sleep very well, maybe because of being very tired. As usual, we almost missed Tampere, just woke up for the speaker saying "Seuraavanaa Tampere - Nästä Tammerfors - The next stop, Tampere".