Sorry dear readers but in the llast 48 hours i was extremely busy and i absolutely had no time for anything, even sleeping time was cut into 4-6 hours. But the thesis is ready, and it's good, and i leave Tampere tomorrow early morning (like 4 or sthg) for Hki and then Tallinn and Tartu. I will visit some other cities in Latvia and Lithuania, and then trying to get somehow home. Estimated arrival is monday maybe.
I am so sorry not finishing the blog nicely that i promise to write about by baltic trip, so stay connected.
Now i am sitting in the empty room with all luggage in the corridor, imagine the feeling, only the computer is plugged but just until i write this. For the last night i move to center because it's not possible to get to the railway station at 4 otherwise.
So it's not the end of the blog, don't be so dramatic :)