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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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free counters

In the maze of bureaucracy

2012.12.05. 15:56 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

Yesterday I finally signed my contract, I work 8 days in December and then I work full-time from January. Today I started the administration, at 8 I was already in the city. Please see this table for how successful I was in different offices.

All these are located in Helsinki center, I ran between venues as walking in -15C (during the day) is not comfortable
Name Time spent Plus/Minus Surprising
police.jpgImmigration Police I arrived 10 minutes before opening, and had to stand outside in the -17 degrees, then inside it was my turn immediately, and I took 48 mins for them ...

+ Finally I got a paper which I could use to apply for personal ID

- They did not register me properly because I do not have an address

When I said I at the moment stay at a friend's place in Espoo, she said in this case she will forward my application to Espoo immigration police and I can go there next week ... funny :)
maistrat.jpgPopulation register (Maistraatti) No waiting time, procedure took about 15 mins

+ Everything is fine, and the woman was kind (and more cooperative than the police officer)

- It will take two weeks to get my ID number :(

She checked my employer in the computer and did not find, but then on phone they clarified the situation with my employer, so it's ok
vero.jpgVero (Taxation office) 10 mins wait, 10 mins process

+ Everything will be fine, but just after I have my ID number

- As after 15th of Dec they issue new tax numbers for 2013, I can expect a huge queue on that week

There is customer service employee in Finland who speaks poor English
sampo.jpgSampo bank (Danske Bank) 20 mins wait (my number is 20 and when I entered it was 18, so I did not expect it, but i had time :) )

+ I have a bank account, and my the end of next week I will have a Visa Electron with a nice Finnish bird flying on it

- I will have internet bank only after 3 salaries arrive to my account

There are three:

1. I got some gummy bears

2. She asked really a lot, just for statistics I suppose but still: education, family, savings, future plans, etc.

3. Not having an address was not a problem for a second

The administration will only really continue after receiving my ID number. Hopefully I will still have some days before going home for christmas, to do the tax number, the social insurance (KELA) and the housing application, although it seems that for January it's better if I find an alternative solution for housing. I am working on it.

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