
december 2012
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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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Thursday, sorry for delay



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free counters

Mission complete - you may continue playing

2012.12.20. 20:32 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

Last weekend I found a flat. It is in Kannelmäki, 10kms north from the city center and my workplace. The flat is not big, only 26 square meters plus balcony, but it has all naccessary furniture, and dishes, microwawe and even a washing machine. It sounds really cool, it is less than 5 minutes walk…


2012.12.16. 21:20 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

This Monday I started to work at Mapos Oy in Merimiehenkatu in Helsinki. On Monday when I arrived my work devices welcomed me unpacked in my place, I got a laptop and a screen, so I can work on two screens which is cool. It will take some time to get used to the two screens, I never worked with more…

Flat hunting

2012.12.09. 20:21 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

After this administration rally on Thursday I stayed at home, on Friday I went to the city to eat with Zoli who now studies in Helsinki (MA) and stayes at a brand new modern student dormitory in Jätkäsaari (6-8 mins walk from where I work, so maybe we can meet more). He showed me a kirpputori,…

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