During the two days of weekend Attila was mostly refereeing (floorball) in many one-hour matches in different part of the capital area, I stayed "home" and was working on the two home assignments for two different companies from Helsinki. One was a kind of web development, the other is Android. For the web development there was one week to do, I did it on Saturday, and for the Android there was 30 hours to do it from the time I open the assignment page. I opened it on Saturday after dinner, which was not a very good idea because I started to do it and then I wanted to sleep but I couldn`t sleep, I was nervous. I also got up early, and I finished the program by 11am already, so I was very far from 30 hours but still this time limit made me not to sleep well and long. The assigments were interesting btw, and not very difficult.
I spent the rest of Sunday by writing more job applications (it`s always a good activity to kill time and to convince myself that I do everything for finding a job fast :) ).
On Monday, I had a job interview (not for the companies with assignments), it was at 6pm, I couldn`t really tell what did I spend the day with, I went for a walk in the forest, but otherwise I was just nervously sitting at home and writing job applications. When I started to go to the job interview I already felt better, I validated ticket on the commuter train and did not cheat (I thought maybe I can get caught and I miss the interview, or something like this :) ). The interview was good, the person was nice and I really hope I get this job, both the place (Lappeenranta) and the job sounds cool. I will get result by the end of this week.
Today I got up at 4:45 to catch a train at 5:48, 2500 meters away from Attilas place. I managed, it was a nice walk in the pleasantly cold fresh air. I went to Pasila to catch a train to Tampere, among such early morning trains there are some which cost 6 euros less than IC (24 instead of 30), and only takes 15 minutes more, so getting up early pays off :)
In Hervanta I met my thesis supervisor, we were discussing different things including but not limited to politics, and now I am in the library of the uni, and soon I go to Juvenes student restaurant to eat, hopefully for 2.50 or if they don`t really respect that I have international student card then for more.
No picture this time, as in the library it is not easy.
Today evening Julia arrives here to Tampere, we will spend 11 days here in Finland together, my activity during this 11 days will include but will not be limited to jobseeking and writing blog.