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Csabi in Finland

Berko Csaba Finnországban, újra és újra. Csaba Berko in Finland, again and again.

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Helsinki and the boring and slow jobseeking again

2012.11.14. 19:58 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

After Tallinn with Yulia we spent the Friday in Helsinki, we locked our bags at the Viking Line terminal and started to walk to the city. The weather was quite good, sunny first of all. As upon arrival to Market Square the ferry to Suomenlinna was about to leave in 4 minutes, we got on and enjoyed…


2012.11.12. 00:05 | csberko | Szólj hozzá!

After Turku we went to Tallinn with Julia. From Turku we took Onnibus (, which is a new budget bus company in Finland. They operate only a few routes, and their price system is similar to budget airlines, if you book in advance on the internet you can get prices much below train prices.…

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